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Kingdom Life Coach, Led By The Holy Spirit

Kingdom Life Coach, Led By The Holy Spirit

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Behold the essence of the journey: faith, ​transformation, and

acceptance to a new beginning.

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About Me

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Cheryl Winborne

Winborne Consulting logo.

Discovering My Identity as an Introverted Legal Secretary

After working as a legal secretary for over 30 years, I realized that my introverted personality is a crucial aspect of my identity. Through my relationship with God, I ​found a sense of purpose and meaning in my life. This journey helped me recognize the need for support for fellow introverted women, particularly in the business ​world.

I have come to understand that being introverted doesn't mean I lack social skills or that I am shy. It simply means that I prefer working independently, am more ​reflective, and often need time to recharge after social interactions. These qualities have been a great asset in my career as a legal secretary, allowing me to focus ​on the details and find creative solutions to complex problems.

Through my own experiences, I have realized that the business world can be challenging for introverted women. There is often a pressure to be outgoing and ​constantly network, which can feel exhausting for someone who thrives in a quieter, more introspective environment. That's why I am passionate about creating ​a community of support for fellow introverted women. Whether it's through mentorship programs or networking events designed for those with a more ​introverted personality, I believe that through WINBORNE CONSULTING, we can help each other succeed and find fulfillment in our careers.

Overall, discovering my identity as an introverted legal secretary has been a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I am grateful for the ways in which my ​introverted personality has shaped my career and my life, and I am excited to help others embrace their own unique qualities and find success in their own paths.

How Does Winborne Consulting Enhance the “Introverted Woman” ?

Winborne Consulting can be a valuable tool for introverted women. It provides a supportive community where women can connect with others who share similar ​experiences and challenges. Introverted women can learn strategies to help them navigate social situations and communicate effectively with colleagues and ​superiors. The program also emphasizes the importance of self-care, which is especially important for introverted women who may need more time alone to ​recharge. We encourages women to prioritize their physical, emotional, and spiritual health, which can lead to increased confidence and resilience. Overall, our ​program can be a valuable resource for introverted women, providing a supportive community, practical strategies, and opportunities for growth and ​development.

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Understanding the Kingdom:

A Brief Overview

  • A kingdom refers to a place, country, state or territory that is governed by a king or queen.
  • The realm is the territory or domain that is ruled by God as King.
  • Christ is the Lord, Ruler and the Anointed One, who has been granted rulership over all.
  • As a prophet, Priest and King, Christ is the Lord and King of all, and those who are born again are considered citizens of heaven ​and children of God.
  • There are only two kingdoms; the Kingdom of God, which operates under its own laws, rules, and culture, and the Kingdom of ​Darkness, which operates under the laws of sin.
  • Every kingdom has its own set of rules and laws, and under the Kingdom of God, we are under God's grace. While, the Kingdom ​of Darkness seeks to change the culture.

Because Winborne Consulting utilizes Kingdom Life method of coaching, it is essential that we understand the Kingdom.




Winborne Consulting (Kingdom Coaching)- A Unique Approach to Christian Life Coaching

Winborne Consulting (Kingdom coaching) is a special form of Christian life coaching that is led by the Holy Spirit. It involves a prophetic life coaching ​partnership between me and you, with the goal of helping you grow in the area that you desire. While this definition covers life coaching in general, kingdom ​coaching stands out because it involves a third person – the Holy Spirit. Both you and I must have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and allow Him ​to guide and direct the coaching journey.

A Prophetic Approach to Life Coaching

Our consulting is a unique form of life coaching that concentrates on the present and recognizes opportunities for change that will shape the future. This is ​what makes it prophetic life coaching! Unlike counseling or inner healing, Kingdom coaching doesn't rely on the past. Instead, it considers both your present ​circumstances and your desired future, helping you chart a practical and progressive path to get there.

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Candles, Bible-moving pages, Bible verse-Matthew 6:33

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs to

Build and Expand Their Vision

Begin Your Adventure With

Winborne Consulting

Our program offers a comprehensive approach to help like-minded women to pursue their business goals and expand their horizons. With a ​range of materials, including videos, worksheets, declarations, and community, we provide the tools and support needed to succeed. ​Additionally, our coaching sessions are designed to identify and overcome the orphan mentality by breaking down goals into manageable, ​achievable steps.

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Therefore, do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) saying, “What are we going to eat? Or drink? Or What ​are we going to wear?” For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things (but we do not worry) for your heavenly Father knows ​that you need them. But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His righteousness (His way of doing and being ​right –the attitude and character of God) and all these things will begiven to you also. (Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his ​righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.) Matthew 6:31-33 (Amplified version)


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a smiling person wearing a white top, Cheryl Winborne-Owner

Cheryl winborne


(323) 633-8404



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